Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Style Matters

Last night’s United States presidential debate proved one thing “Style Matters.” In my opinion, Barack Obama out styled and out swaggered poor John McCain by leaps and bounds. John McCain came into the debate bragging about how he was the “king of the town hall”, but judging by the way Barack swept the town hall floor with Senator McCain, he came out looking more like the town jester.

I will admit that I have been through several presidential elections in my lifetime, and never in before can I recall a candidate’s visceral appeal being so important to their electability. Viscerally, I believe most Americans felt as if they were watching “President Barack Obama” whereas John McCain looked like the frustrated guy that was running against the incumbent. Am I the only one that feels this way? I doubt it.

In the end, this debate will simply become fodder for “Faux News” and the "Vuiffington Post”, but for most Americans, we will simply remember this as the debate we clearly understood what it meant to look Presidential.

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