Tuesday, December 18, 2007

When Angels Appear...

Angels truly do surface when you really need them... All day today, I kept receiving these random emails and messages saying, "Congratulatons Malcolm - Keep up the good work"... Or "Great Aricle - I am truly impressed." I started thinking to myself, "Are these people insane??? Is this what they believe I want to hear about being in the middle of a public scandal???" Just when I started to believe that either I or the entire world was absolutely crazy, I logged on to my computer and opened up to the following article that had been sent with a huge "CONGRATULATIONS"... What a day this has been...


Anonymous said...

You are truly a visionary. The rest of the pack will follow you someday. Congrats!

Lynn said...

Bravo! Dubai? Can't wait...

Anonymous said...

Mal, this article is beyond amazing. I am glad that world is finally starting to learn about you that I have know from the first time I saw your work - your are brilliant.

Anonymous said...


Diana @ So Fash'on said...

congrat indeed!

Anonymous said...

I read this article on a flight from Paris to New York. I was so proud to have met you once and remembered thinking to myself - "This man is going to be super famous."

Anonymous said...

You make "us" all very proud. Continued success! The vision to become the next "Ralph Lauren" - I read every word.