Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Afternoon Quickie - Obama Mania Hits Thailand

Today CNN reported that "Obama Mania" has even reached the shores of Thailand. This became apparent after our current Goofball of of President George W. Bush made his way over to meet Thailand's very own Goofball of a Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej... It was recently reported that Prime Minister Sundaravej was spotted hiding in a public restroom in order to avoid talking to the press. When Samak finally emerged he yelled at the press for not giving him his privacy... Samak and George are couple made in Goofball heaven.

U.S. President George W. Bush and Thaliand Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej

Luckily the younger generation of Thailand as featured in the CNN piece have a brighter vision for the world and a great deal of belief in Barack Obama. I can't wait until the day we can send our President out in to the world without having the feeling of complete embarrassment when he steps up to the podium. Let's all just stay in prayer and meditation - this day is coming soon.

Barack Obama - A President that we can all be proud of!!!

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