Friday, August 29, 2008

YouTube Junkie

I am sure every single blog across the globe today will be featuring highlights from Barack Obama’s masterful speech he gave at the closing of the DNC last night. Well for my contribution, I have decided to share with you all a little treat I found as I was trolling around YouTube like a junkie looking for heroine.

Four years ago, most of us got to witness Barack Obama give the key note address at the DNC in Boston. I can still remember catching the tail end of his speech and being completely upset with myself for not tuning in sooner (where was YouTube when you really needed them). Luckily, Barack’s speech made such an enormous impact that for weeks the pundits found themselves dissecting every syllable this young State Senator had uttered.

Well last night I found this amazing YouTube video of the correspondents covering the convention for PBS immediately after Barack’s speech… In all honesty, I would love to find these same gentlemen sitting at this round table today in order to find out if they could email me the numbers for next week’s lottery. The predictions in this video are absolutely frightening. But I can guarantee you - - - none of them I had any idea how soon their predictions would come true.

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